Fisher 1st Grade: October 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October Newsletter

 First Grade News
October 2011

Winter Weather
Wow!  Our weather will be starting to take a turn.  We are asking that you please send your child in the appropriate clothing for the weather.  Winter coat, mittens/gloves, hats, and scarves are appropriate.  Recess gets very cold with the wind and cold temperature.  We have had some very cold children this week so please help them get their winter gear ready for the season.  It might be a good idea to have their snow pants and boots ready and waiting as well.  Please label all items with your child’s name, thanks! 

Staying Healthy

We are taking measures here at school to keep our classrooms as clean as possible.  Everyone uses sanitizer multiple times daily and we clean table tops regularly.  We will continue to need hand sanitizer and/or disinfecting wipes to help with this task.  This is one way we can try to get ahead of germs.  Any help is appreciated.


We are making progress with our reading strategies so far this year.  When your child wants to read at home, please remember to ask them some questions about the story; for example, “Who was in the story? Where did it take place?  What was the problem?  How did the main character solve the problem?”  These types of questions will help your child think about the story rather than just reading words.

Coming Soon in Math

We have been doing well in our new Envisions Math program.  It has been very exciting to watch the kids progress through the topics.  At conferences you should receive a letter that tells you how to log on to Envisions Math Website.  When you log-in you, click on “assignments” and you will find some games that we have assigned for the students to start playing!  ENJOY!

Please help your child remember that we have school snacks provided on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Students are asked to bring their own snack on Monday.   All snacks brought from home need to be nutritious!

Kindergarten Words
We have many first graders that are still struggling with kindergarten words.  We have attached a copy of the kindergarten words that can be cut out and practiced as flash cards at home.  We suggest you write the 25 kindergarten words on index cards and turn them into a game of Memory or Go Fish.

Upcoming Dates

October 19-21 ~ Conferences
October 28      ~ 10:30-11:00 Fall Party